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Youthbuild UK, Young Builder of the Year Awards 2022

Youthbuild UK, Young Builder of the Year Awards 2022


Cyfle Building Skills Ltd is proud to be a sponsor of Youthbuild UK.  As sponsor Cyfle provides help and support to disadvantaged and disengaged young people to acquire the valuable skills needed to enter the construction sector.

Cyfle extend a huge congratulations to Brandon Davies on achieving Runner Up in this year’s Youthbuild UK, Young Builder of the Year Awards 2022 under 19 category.

Brandon, along with his host company Sustainable Fuel Solutions, and representatives from Cyfle, attended the Awards Ceremony held at the Houses of Parliament on Wednesday 19th October 2022.

Brandon became a carer for his dad, who suffered long term issues resulting from a car accident.

Brandon did not let this affect his progress at school where he gained his GCSEs or college, where he is an exemplary student.  Brandon’s love of rugby enabled him to play for his local team St. Clare’s and also for the Scarlet’s rugby team U16’s squad.

Brandon secured employment with Cyfle as a Plumbing and Heating apprentice, where he was placed with his host employer Sustainable Fuel Solutions.  During his time Brandon was once again faced with tragedy, when he suddenly lost his dad.

Brandon has continued to be an exemplary student throughout this period and has been offered full time employment with Sustainable Fuel Solutions on completion of his apprenticeship.

He is a worthy winner and we wish him well in his chosen career into the construction industry.

