Blog Article

Partnering with 2B Enterprising to encourage the next generation

Partnering with 2B Enterprising to encourage the next generation


We are delighted to have recently signed up with 2B Enterprising on its Bumbles of Honeywood Programme. The aim of the programme is to forge partnerships between businesses and schools in the community and inspire children to learn life skills through story and play.

2B Enterprising was founded by Sue Poole – an experienced education leader in Business, Enterprise and Finance – who recognised that to make a significant change to the entrepreneurial skills of our workforce, we need to work with them from a very early age.

The Bumbles of Honeywood programme has been designed and developed by education and enterprise professionals. It has the aim of inspiring, raising aspirations, and developing the skills of future generations by introducing them to valuable life experiences and key skills at an early stage in their educational development.

2B Enterprising employs education professionals to deliver the activity sessions in participating schools – all of whom have experience working in a classroom environment and are fully trained to deliver The Bumbles of Honeywood programme.

These staff often visit participating schools in collaboration with industry professionals to give the pupils a better idea of what different trades and professions exist, how important they are to society, and what options might be available to them later in their education and as a potential career.

The resources offered to schools by the programme are fully funded and support teachers to deliver engaging and exciting activities aimed at a variety of learning areas within the national curriculum.

The scheme is now working with more than 130 primary schools across the UK, and all resources are available bi-lingually in Welsh and English.

Our current involvement in the programme is as a Corporate Engagement Partner with 2B Enterprising, providing financial support to deliver the scheme to 10 schools in the region. We pay for the resources (which can then be used across the school) as well as goodies for one class (30 children) and three delivery sessions throughout the year. This means that the programme can be offered to the schools completely free of charge.

The resources are targeted at pupils aged 5-8 but can be used for those younger or older, depending on the capabilities of the children. Themes covered by the resources include sustainability, well-being, inclusivity, and diversity.

Our Training Coordinator, Brett Enoch, has so far visited seven schools across the region to take part in classroom activities. During his involvement, the scheme focussed on engaging and fun content which encouraged the children to play and use their imagination on stories and topics which highlight the importance of – and opportunities available in – the construction industry.

Brett Enoch, Training Coordinator, Cyfle Building Skills, said:

“The Bumbles of Honeywood resources – so cleverly designed by 2B Enterprising – are a great idea, and perfect for helping younger children understand all the different kinds of jobs and industries that come together to create the communities they live in. The stories and activities are designed to help them think creatively and entrepreneurially, and they also act as a brilliant introduction to some of the softer skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

“The children at the schools I have visited all enjoyed the activities they were given, and through play, were able to explore areas of the world of work that they may never have had a chance to previously learn about. What’s more, we all had fun!

“It’s vital for the future of our communities that we explain to children about the opportunities that are available to them, and this project is a fantastic way to inspire them and raise aspirations, while developing transferable, real-world life skills from an early age.”


