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Cyfle Building Skills wins Outstanding Achievement Award at CEW Awards 2023

Cyfle Building Skills wins Outstanding Achievement Award at CEW Awards 2023


We are overwhelmed to have achieved remarkable success at the recent Constructing Excellence in Wales (CEW) Awards 2023, where we were honoured with an Outstanding Achievement Award and shortlisted in two highly-competitive categories – all as we celebrate our ten-year anniversary.

The prestigious event took place at the Celtic Manor Resort in Newport on Friday, 16 June, to celebrate the remarkable achievements and contributions of organisations within the construction industry in Wales. The CEW awards ceremony brought together industry leaders, professionals, and stakeholders to celebrate the exceptional achievements and advancements that have shaped the construction landscape.

Our Outstanding Achievement Award highlights our dedication to excellence, innovation, and our commitment to advancing the industry over the past decade. In addition to this great honour, we were also shortlisted for the Integration & Collaborative Working Award, and the People Development Award.

The Integration & Collaborative Working Award nomination, including our Shared Apprenticeship Scheme, Low Carbon Training, Onsite Hub programme and Training Groups, reflects our commitment to fostering collaboration and effective integration across the construction sector. By working closely with our industry partners, we have demonstrated our ability to facilitate seamless collaboration, resulting in improved project outcomes and industry advancements.

The CITB funded South West Wales Regional On-Site Hub Work Experience Project was nominated for the People Development Award for its success in providing valuable work experience for people interested in a career in the construction industry, to learn and develop their skills in a construction related role.

Anthony Rees, our Managing Director, said:

“We are incredibly proud to receive this amazing accolade at the prestigious CEW Awards, as well as being shortlisted in two additional categories. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team over the past ten years, and also to the contributions of our industry partners. The Outstanding Achievement Award recognises our commitment to collaboration, innovation, and investing in the development of individuals within the construction sector. We are committed to continuing these efforts to shape the future of the industry locally, and provide sustainable employment opportunities for people across South and West Wales.”
