Blog Article

Tai Tarian and Joyners partnership provides hands-on experience to Neath College students

Tai Tarian and Joyners partnership provides hands-on experience to Neath College students


Thanks to a successful partnership between Tai Tarian, contractors Joyners PA Cymru, and us here at Cyfle, two Neath College students, Oliver Jones and Dylan Morgan, are well on their way to becoming apprenticeship-ready after completing training on Tai Tarian's Green Void properties.  

The training was organised through our Onsite Hub and funded by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB). As part of the training program, Oliver and Dylan gained invaluable hands-on, real-life experience and each received their own brand-new toolbox.  

Speaking about his training, Oliver explained how he found the experience extremely valuable and fun:  

"We've mainly been skimming the walls in this property; it's been really enjoyable."  

Dylan similarly enjoyed the opportunity to learn new skills, stating:  

"I got to do some meshing in the outside walls, some dashing – I wasn't the best, but they let me do it - and some beading. After that, we came here and we skimmed a lot of walls, including some cupboards, some tight places, but we got it done." 

The property they worked on is part of the Optimised RetroFit (ORP) Green Voids program. This programme tests a new approach to decarbonising Welsh homes, based on the recommendations of the Jofeh Report, published in July 2019.  

It takes a whole house approach to decarbonising existing homes, and is far more sophisticated than previous schemes because it takes into account the materials that homes are made from, the way they are heated and store energy, and the way energy is supplied to them.  

Along with the work done by the two students, Tai Tarian's Void team explained that they had also carried out decarbonisation works, including insulating floors, external walls insulation, improving the loft insulation, and installing ventilation for the property. 

Rob Newell, Contracts Director with Joyners PA Cymru Limited, who works with Tai Tarian on delivering carbon-neutral green void properties, said:  

"Moving forward, we're looking at engaging with Cyfle and Tai Tarian to create more training places for future apprentices." 

Through this partnership, Tai Tarian, Joyners, and Cyfle have successfully provided hands-on training to young people, preparing them for future apprenticeships and careers in the construction industry.
