Blog Article

Jac Lewis Foundation Wellbeing Hub goes from strength to strength

Jac Lewis Foundation Wellbeing Hub goes from strength to strength


The Jac Lewis Foundation Wellbeing Hub continues to grow in scope, helping an increasing number of people from local communities across Swansea, as the variety of services available at the Hub expands.

The Wellbeing Hub is hosted by Swansea City FC at the stadium every Friday from 10am until 3pm. It is a one-stop shop for preventative support and assistance around the areas of personal wellbeing and mental health.

Since its inception in September 2021, when Swansea City FC first offered to host the hub every Friday, the list of services on offer and the number of attendees has grown. This has required the Hub to move to the larger Swansea Building Society suite on the third floor – with a fantastic view of the pitch – to accommodate its expansion.

The Hub’s central location and relaxed, informal atmosphere allows people who may be struggling with issues of mental health to have an easy-to-access, weekly drop-in centre. Here they can feel supported by people familiar with the issues they may be facing and access professional advice and support services free of charge in a completely non-judgmental environment.

The set-up of the hub allows people to come in from the street, with no prior appointment necessary, and receive immediate access to services without long waiting lists and frustrating bureaucracy.

The list of services available at the Hub includes: housing/tenancy support; Citizens Advice; legal advice – from Gomer Williams Solicitors; The Samaritans; The Job Centre; Communities for Work; SAN – support for additional needs, including autism; and Employability Youth Mentors from Swansea City Council.

Though not all services are available every Friday, the providers have graciously made a commitment to be available at least once a month for consultation.

The Hub now also houses a small foodbank, with a selection of items available for attendees in need to take away.

Swansea City FC kindly provides tea and coffee for the whole day, along with sandwiches at 12:30pm. It also supplies a number of ‘warm packs’, which contain items like blankets, heat packs, gloves and hats to help keep the most vulnerable warm through the winter’s coldest months.

Most recently the football club has also provided access to a ‘sensory room’ – a calm room made available for anybody suffering from anxiety, to give them some peace and quiet away from the main Hub.

In the coming weeks and months, the Hub also hopes to be able to offer arts & crafts activities, a menopause group, a bereavement group, and breathing and relaxation exercises delivered by So Fit – award winning consultants in mental health, mindset and wellbeing in the workplace.

To allow full access to the Hub for everyone – including those with mobility issues – the Hub also offers a pick-up and drop-off service, which can be arranged, again, free of charge.

Callum Humphries, Service Development Officer, Jac Lewis Foundation Wellbeing Hub, said:

“It’s great to be able to offer this range of integrated and complimentary services to those struggling with matters of mental health in such a comfortable, central location. When people come into the Hub, they may be feeling overwhelmed by certain issues affecting their lives – leading to depression and anxiety.

“By having so many professional services available to them under one roof on the same day, we are able to address some of these factors – housing issues, issues with finding a job, or legal matters – and make some progress that can ease some of their worries. We are all there to help where we can, and never judge anyone or their circumstances.

“Mental health issues can have a great impact on all aspects of life and vice versa. That’s why the wellbeing hub takes a holistic approach, enabling adults of all ages and circumstances to talk through their issues with professional councillors who can then refer them to other services to help them improve their situation.”

To find out more about the Jac Lewis Foundation and the Wellbeing Hub, email
